Food safety audit

Regular food safety inspections in conjunction with training are essential tools for every restaurant, leading to an improvement in kitchen hygiene standards

The audit relates to all potential risks that may occur at every stage in the food handling process. Therefore, it is essential to maintain food hygiene and safety throughout all stages, from the purchase of raw materials to the presentation of the finished meal to the diners - the contaminants that originate in the food when it is consumed.

There is a significant challenge in monitoring food safety, and many business owners fail. For example, an HACCP quality control system in food is in place to provide a final food product to the customer. Concerns about health risks arise when a malfunction or neglect occurs in the production process, and it is possible that allergenic ingredients or inappropriate food components have entered the product. Since supervision of food quality control is critical to the process, it is advisable and even necessary to hire an external consultant who will assist the organization in quality and food safety audits for food service establishments, such as restaurants, catering companies, hotels, and more.

In order to introduce and implement appropriate work regulations according to the Ministry of Health regulations in areas such as food service, personal hygiene, work procedures, and professional guidelines, cleaning plans, food sampling, laboratory tests, workplace inspections, receipt of goods, storage, primary processing, food flow production, equipment maintenance, and building maintenance, consumers demand safer, higher quality, and more cost-effective food products than ever before. Therefore, besides HACCP, there are other safety regulations, including:

  • GAP - Good Agricultural Practices 
  • GMP - Good Manufacturing Practices 
  • GHP - Good Hygiene Practices 
  • ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management Systems - Requirements for Organizations in the Food Chain 

*Significant emphasis, companies that only have a HACCP plan often have not updated the plan, many find that they need to significantly change their HACCP plans according to the progress of the company - therefore, it is dynamic.

These food safety regulations are designed to minimize the risks caused to food, whether it is a food factory or a restaurant should ensure the existence of external audits from time to time.

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