Food testing (laboratory)

Microbiological tests according to the Israeli standard and the Ministry of Health requirements. Actual sampling will be performed as needed, accompanied by a veterinarian.

Your food is undoubtedly delicious, but who determined that it's safe to eat?

Exactly for this reason, the Ministry of Health requires food safety tests to ensure that a business, or more accurately, your food, complies with the requirements of the Health Ministry. The BFOOD office conducts laboratory tests through laboratories accredited by the authorities for accrediting laboratories at the Health Ministry. As part of the inspection process on-site, the food technologist or inspector conducts sampling and takes samples to the laboratory as required for each food facility.

A central part of food safety monitoring processes in a food business relies on food quality tests conducted in a laboratory. The diagnosis determines which samples are taken, following the activities in the kitchen and the food produced. In addition, according to the law, a check is carried out to establish the components of the food present in the product. This examination can provide information about the nutritional values of the food you sell and the presence of each component in the food. Beyond the requirement, this examination is highly relevant to food manufacturers, who are obligated to list nutritional values on product packaging.

What types of tests are conducted in the food industry?

There are a variety of laboratory tests, for example, in places where the kitchen supplies seafood-based products, the samples will be different from those of a catering company that prepares dairy dishes. The samples are taken from products and facilities according to the most up-to-date requirements as required by the Ministry of Health.

After receiving the laboratory test results, the safety consultant prepares a detailed report tailored to each place individually. The report specifies the relevant criteria for each location personally. The report of the inspection includes, among other things, data for general enumeration, salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, yeasts and molds, coliforms, and more. The report is produced in the Hebrew language and is designed to be easy to read and understand. If the test results indicate a deviation from the accepted standards for bacteria, an additional test will be conducted to exclude food that is not of sufficient quality and cannot be used for the customers.

The BFOOD office specializes in food safety, consulting, accompanying and guiding food, working in cooperation with laboratories in the field of food all over the country. With us, you can arrange a long-term service agreement and establish a routine of regular checks for the business activity.

מעבדה לבדיקות מזון
מעבדה לבדיקות מזון