The Office

The BFOOD office deals with the food sector in all aspects related to food safety compliance and training. 

We specialize in providing assistance for obtaining approvals, manufacturer licenses, and business licenses for a wide range of food businesses. We offer services nationwide and accompany businesses towards a cleaner future. The uniqueness of BFOOD lies in acquiring knowledge and providing tools and solutions to enhance food safety, all while emphasizing a commitment to service and personalized attention throughout the entire process. We take pride in maintaining a high level of professionalism, responding quickly, and adhering to precise timelines. Understanding our clients' needs and safeguarding their interests are the guiding principles for us.

Our professional team includes food safety consultants, food engineers, food technologists, and full-time staff of architects, all working to provide professional solutions under one roof.

BFOOD provides solutions starting from the planning stage. 

We emphasize that service is above all. We will do everything in our power to handle each project personally, in the most professional way, and with the intention and need to promote the treatment without compromising professionalism. Additionally, we aspire to promote innovation and excellence, so our team constantly updates itself with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and Food Services in Israel and sometimes worldwide. Our office team is selected with precision and has undergone extensive training and many discussion sessions to be well-prepared to work with clients. 

Jean-Claude Max is the founder of the office and also the owner of the 'Claude Architects' office, which is the leading office in Israel for business licensing and serves as an "expert" for the court. 

We are ready to go through this significant process with you, believing that external change starts from within. Therefore, no step will be taken before we get to know you and your activity, your goal. With us, you will not find a place for compromise, only solutions in the field

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