Our Services

Our office specializes in providing assistance to obtain all the necessary approvals and licenses for a wide range of food businesses. We offer support to business owners, entrepreneurs, and restaurant owners across the country for a better future. Our uniqueness lies in acquiring tools and solutions to improve food safety in businesses, all while maintaining a personal and warm approach throughout the entire process. We prioritize professionalism and adhering to timelines. Here are the services we provide:

The requirement for business licensing in the food industry applies to a variety of business types, depending on the specific regulations and definitions outlined in the Business Licensing Ordinance. Whether it's an active business or one in the process of establishment, it may need a license. The goal of the Business Licensing Ordinance is to ensure that the place is suitable and "safe" for serving customers, with appropriate conditions in place. This includes meeting hygiene and health standards, such as proper sanitation, and having a reliable fire extinguishing system. The specific criteria may vary depending on the type of food service being provided in the establishment.

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